When you speak with an audiologist for the first time, it can be hard knowing how to approach your appointment and what kinds of questions you will have to answer – or should ask. It might be that you already have a good idea from some of the burning questions that are on your mind, but if not then you will certainly want to make sure that you are aware of some of the following questions.

These four questions are the kind that you might want to ask a prospective audiologist to help you on your journey to better hearing.

What Type of Hearing Loss Do I Have?

Hearing loss typically presents in three different types: sensorineural, conductive and mixed. Your audiologist will ask you questions to learn more about your medical history prior to conducting any tests. This will help them piece together a more complete picture of your auditory health, allowing them to give you a more thorough diagnosis and a more customized treatment. Don’t be afraid to talk to them about any of the information they provide you with that you don’t clearly understand.

How Advanced is My Hearing Loss?

Actually, this is very often the first and most pressing question that a lot of people have for their new audiologist. You likely want to know how advanced your hearing loss is, because it is pertinent information and it’s not always easy to tell yourself just how much your hearing has reduced over time.

Your audiologist, however, will again be able to determine this, and that will be something that they consider when they are looking into what to do about it, so again it’s useful information to uncover all round.

What is the Right Treatment For Me?

The most common treatment for mild-to-profound hearing loss is hearing aids. These devices come in a variety of different shapes, styles, sizes and with different features. Your audiologist will utilize the results of your hearing test – taking into account your specific hearing loss, lifestyle and budget needs – to recommend the best hearing technology for you. They will walk you through all your different options and will help weigh in on any special features that might be essential for your treatment plan.

What Kinds of Hearing Aids Are There?

If it does appear that you are going to be having a hearing aid fitted, then you will likely want to know about the different kinds of hearing aids that are generally available, and which one is likely going to be the type that you need. From behind the ear (BTE) to in the ear (ITE), these types do vary greatly, and it’s important that you are able to know what kind you are going to use and how it works. The more you know, the better.