Having your very first hearing aid fitting in your calendar may fill you with feelings of anticipation, excitement and many questions too. Although you may be looking forward to your appointment, you may also feel a few nerves ahead of time, which is completely natural. Knowing what to expect ahead of time can help to ease your nerves so that your audiologist appointment goes as smoothly as possible. The process is very tailored to your personal needs, so it’s important to keep an open mind and trust the advice you are given by your audiologist. With this in mind, here are a few things you can expect at your upcoming hearing aid fitting.

Fitting Process

You can expect to spend around one to two hours at your hearing aid fitting. Most of this time is spent going over your hearing test results, adjusting your hearing aids and testing them to make sure the settings are well suited to your needs. Ensuring that they fit perfectly is the most important stage of the appointment as it means you’ll get the most out of your hearing aids once you’re wearing them. Most hearing aids are custom made, so your audiologist will place them into your ears and make sure they’re secure and comfortable.

Your Hearing Aids Will Be Programmed

During a hearing aid fitting, you can expect your hearing aids to be programmed according to your specific needs. Your audiologist will adjust settings such as volume, frequency and amplification levels to optimize your hearing experience. These adjustments are personalized based on your hearing test results and feedback provided during the fitting. Your audiologist may also fine-tune the programming to enhance speech clarity and reduce background noise. By customizing the programming during the fitting, your hearing aids will be tailored to provide the best possible sound quality for you.

Hearing Aid Adjustments and Maintenance

The last adjustments will be fine-tuned on your hearing aids to ensure they feel natural and comfortable. Take this opportunity to ask your audiologist any questions you have about your hearing aids, especially regarding their care and maintenance. Your audiologist will thoroughly cover all this information and guide you through each crucial stage of adapting to your new hearing aids.

Final Questions

Once you have had your hearing aid fitted, it’s time to ask any final questions you might have. This will help you to understand the process of your hearing aids and how you can get the best listening experience possible. If you cannot think of any questions or have any concerns at the end of your appointment, you can always call your audiologist. They can answer any questions you have regarding your auditory health.

Hopefully, this provides you with a clear idea on what to expect during your upcoming hearing aid fitting. As well as having certain expectations of your appointment, it’s also important to be flexible and keep an open mind. Your audiologist will tailor your appointment to your needs which may involve slightly different steps and more time making sure your fitting is just right for you.